Our Clients

Clinical Supervision Consultancy services are engaged by government and non-government organisations, and individuals.


  • Current and previous government clients in metropolitan and rural NSW include Local Health Districts, a tertiary level parenting support service, Aboriginal health services, and housing services
  • Non-government organisations include a residential Aged Care group, and a not-for-profit charity.


  • Training and other consultancy services can be accessed by individuals on a private basis if services are not available through their organisation
  • Training courses are available in NSW, ACT, Queensland, Victoria, and other states dependent on demand.

Education and training participants have included workers with clinical, education, management and administrative roles.  For example, midwives, general nurses, mental health nurses, child and family health nurses, aged care nurses, palliative care nurses, indigenous health workers, family support workers, allied health workers, medical officers, educators, researchers, customer service officers and administrative officers.


Get In Touch.

If you are interested in working together, send me an inquiry and I will get back to you as soon as I can!