The Role Development Model
The basis of education and training provided by Clinical Supervision Consultancy is ‘The Role Development Model’, developed by Michael Consedine of New Zealand in the mid 1980’s. Mike created the ‘Role Development Model’ from the tenets of Psychodrama and Sociometry to provide a framework of Clinical Supervision for health professionals.
Consedine’s approach is reflective, restorative and enabling. The focus is on the supervisor exploring the question rather than solving the problem (which Consedine asserted can only happen when the supervisee is ready). This approach focuses on the role of the professional and is very much person-centred.
The supervisee and supervisor enter into a contract for the supervisee to take responsibility for scrutinizing issues in their professional practice and work environment. The supervisee is guided by the supervisor, through a range of techniques, to consider new ways of viewing situations and move forward productively. When using the ‘Role Development Model’ of Clinical Supervision, it is not necessary to be an expert in the supervisee’s field, however it is necessary to be adequately trained in the art and skill of Clinical Supervision.